
After pursuing undergraduate study in Art & Architecture at Dartmouth College, and graduate study in architecture at Columbia University, I moved to California with a dream of becoming a furniture maker. I found work with several furniture makers, after which I established my own business in the Mendocino area. There I was active in the Mendocino Woodworkers Association, entering furniture in local gallery shows and working with clients throughout California. My work included both custom furniture and built-in cabinetry.

Currently I live and work in Southern Oregon. At times I collaborate with others, but I work primarily alone. This gives me the opportunity to be fully engaged at all levels of my projects, from the initial client contact through design development, problem solving, mock-ups, construction and completion. I feel that my work benefits from my having full control over all aspects of the project.

I’ve been designing and building furniture and cabinetry for clients for over 40 years. Some of the publications my work has appeared in are:

Handcrafted Shelves and Cabinets, Rodale Press (1984)
Home Design: Kitchens, Rodale Press (1986)
Built-ins: Designs to Inspire, Sunset Books (2009)
SF Chronicle feature article: “Going With The Grain – Custom cabinetmakers and their clients share a zeal for the useful beauty of distinctive wood.” (2009)